Stafordšírský bulteriér / Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Úspěchy / Successes
JCh. Ch. Ice Lolly Red Point Staff
(C.I.B. Silkstaff's Mr. Lova Lova x Ch. Colette of Red Point Staff)
JCh.Ch. Gil-Estel Red Point Staff - lives in Slovakia
(CH.,WW'13 Suurissun Boppinghams Birulai x Brave Nell Red Point Staff)
JCh. Ch. Just Kidding Avenger at Red Point Staff  - import DE
(UK.Ch. Maxsta Prince of Celts x Bullrichs Don't Worry Be Happy)
JCh. Ch. Duchess of Red Point Staff   -   lives in Austria
(Ch. Sheffstaffs Red Rum x Brave Nell Red Point Staff)
JCh. Ch. Colette of Red Point Staff
(C.I.B. Sikaistaff Dark Lord x Rumina z Hambalek Bušín)
JCh. Ch. CIB. v-EW14. v-WW15 Silkstaff's Mr. Lova Lova - import DE
(Pride Staff's Donar the Powerhead x Silkstaff's Live or Let Die)
Sportovní šampion SBTC CZ  Gloria Gigi Red Point Staff
(CH.,WW'13 Suurissun Boppinghams Birulai x Brave Nell Red Point Staff)
Club Working Ch. Apple Pie Red Point Staff
(Numen z Hambalek Bušín x Rumina z Hambalek Bušín)