Stafordšírský bulteriér / Staffordshire Bull Terrier
JCh.,Ch. Just Kidding Avenger at Red Point Staff (imp. DE)
L2HGA/HC - DNA Clear , DKK / HD - A , DLK / ED - 0/0 ,
DNA profil, DNA Lokus D - D/D (nenese gen pro modrou)
UK Ch. Maxsta Prince of Celts x Bullrichs Don't Worry Be Happy
Pedigree :
Champion PL
Junior Champion CZ
Club Junior Champion SBTC CZ
Club show SBTC CZ 18 , Poděbrady - Very Promising 1 , Best Puppy Dog - Mr. Pete Hopgood (UK)
InterCanis Brno 18 - Excellent 1, CAJC - p. R.Kubeš
FloraCanis Olomouc NV 18 - Excellent 2
MVP České Budějovice 18 - Excellent 1, CAJC, BOJ , Qual.Crufts 2019 - p.D.Smékal
XV Mezinárodní výstava psů Kielce 18 - Excellent 1 , CWC - Marie-Veronique Ehm (FR)
Národní výstava psů Kielce 18 - Excellent 1 , CWC - Bill Leslie (IRL)
DuoCacib Brno 19 - Excellent 2, res. CAC - Terry Wood (IRL)
DuoCacib Brno 19 - Excellent 2, res. CAC - Cornelia Bergundthal (CH)
NVP Ostrava 19 - Excellent 1, CAC - p. Dalibor Smékal
Prague Expo Dog - Excellent 1, CAC - pí. Hana Vojáčková
Cacib Krakow,PL - Excellent 2
CWC Raciborz - Excellent 2
Intercanis Brno 21 - Excellent 2, res.CAC, res.CACIB - p. Robert Kubeš
2x CWC Jelenia Gora - 2 x V2
Cacib Bialystok,PL 21 - Excellent 2
CWC Swiebodzice, PL 21 - Excellent 1, CWC, Best Dog
7 x excellent 3 , 6 x excellent 4